Monday, December 3, 2012

Call for trust in state-federal relations - Brisbane Times


Distrust between the federal and state governments is putting $20.5 billion of economic benefits from competition and red tape reforms at risk.

Two reports by the COAG Reform Council, released ahead of Friday's meeting in Canberra between the premiers and Prime Minister Julia Gillard, found while there had been progress on some reforms, work on areas such as energy, workplace safety and secondary education was falling behind.

COAG Reform Council chief Paul McClintock, who is retiring from the role, doesn't believe partisan politics is responsible for stalling the reforms but says trust started to break down during the debate over hospital funding.

He said the issue of electricity prices and energy reform on the agenda for this week's COAG meeting would be crucial to the future of co-operation.

"It will be interesting to look at how the energy issue is faced this coming week," Mr McClintock told reporters in Canberra ahead of the release of the reports on Tuesday.

"That will, I think, depend a lot upon whether there is trust between the various members of COAG to say 'This is something we can do together,' or people are going to play politics with this.

"There has been a long period where there has been a growing level of suspicion between the governments ... it's at a really disappointing level."

A recent survey by Griffith University found that 89 per cent of people had a negative view of the way governments worked together.

Mr McClintock said some of the blame could be laid at the feet of the political parties. He suggested every party should take a "federalism" policy to the election.

"We are at a bit of a crossroads and Australians are losing faith quite quickly in the ability of governments to work together," he said.

"We need to stand back and say it's not good enough."

Mr McClintock said that of the areas covered by the Seamless National Economy (SNE) agenda started in 2008, 26 out of 49 areas of reform had been completed.

But the council had concerns about 15, which were overdue or at risk of delay, and eight that were in danger of not being completed.

Mr McClintock said the SNE areas most at risk of falling over included occupational health and safety, mine safety, directors' liabilities, chemicals and plastics, and energy.

The second report, on the overall COAG reform agenda, put a figure of $20.5 billion in 2012 dollar terms on the benefits from competition and regulatory reforms.

Of the 30 key reform areas, three had been completed, 11 were on track and 13 were likely to be completed but may not meet their deadlines, it said.

Mr McClintock said improving the quality of high school education was one of the areas that most worried him, along with the cost of health care and affordability of housing.

A study of the reforms showed that two-thirds of the changes that had "reward funding" attached were on track to be completed.

Mr McClintock said Friday's COAG meeting should be used as an opportunity to breathe new life into talks on energy reform, especially a national rollout of smart meters - which enable consumers to take advantage of price savings for on- and off-peak power use.

He said some of the reforms could be done by the states talking without the commonwealth's involvement.

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