Tuesday, November 27, 2012

80 child deaths in three years - ABC Online

Updated November 28, 2012 09:06:58

The ACT's new Child Death Review committee has found 80 children have died in Canberra since 2009.

The committee was set up in March to examine how all children aged 17 or younger have died in the ACT and to recommend ways to prevent further deaths.

In its first annual report, the committee found 80 children died in the Territory since July 2009, with six cases awaiting a coroner's report.

Of the other 74 deaths, almost 60 per cent occurred in the neonatal period and 70 per cent were under the age of one.

Seven were known to the care and protection system. Five of these children had a sibling or siblings who were also known to the care and protection system.

Five of the children were identified as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

Committee chair Dr Judith Gibbs says it is the first time the number and cause of child deaths have been recorded in the ACT.

"It's premature to draw conclusions at this stage from numerical information alone but the committee's next step is to look more closely at the circumstances of the deaths, to see if there are patterns or trends emerging," he said.

"Our role in reviewing these deaths is to learn from what has happened and make recommendations and changes that might help to prevent future deaths and improve services."

Dr Gibbs says death rates are in line with national figures.

"Of course some of these children may die in the ACT but reside in another state or territory and we will work with other jurisdictions," she said.

The committee also plans to investigate the deaths of children and young people who died from 2004 to 2009 in order to consider trends and patterns over time.

Topics: death, children, act, canberra-2600

First posted November 28, 2012 08:11:36

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