Illustration: John Spooner.

Illustration: John Spooner.

THE Chief of the Army has offered a sage warning - but is anyone listening? Last week we witnessed admirable honesty emanating from the office of the Chief of the Australian Army, who delivered a penetrating assessment of the long-term risks inherent in the government's swingeing cuts to defence investment.

Those of us privileged to know Lieutenant-General David Morrison will hardly be surprised at his courage. Regrettably, his important lecture at the University of Canberra produced a response that barely lasted through the 24-hour news cycle.

Morrison's speech deserves better, because he will be ignored at our peril.

The heart of General Morrison's disquiet is the risk that the army will deteriorate through chronic underinvestment in the coming years, under the guise of drawing down our commitment in Afghanistan to focus on regional security. His fears are well founded.

In the wake of the Vietnam War, when I was a newly enlisted soldier, the army underwent a severe contraction. This was followed by the intellectually impoverished doctrine of denial by naval and air forces of the sea-air gap to the north. I was a junior commissioned officer in this era, trained and equipped to do little more than mop up any poorly armed enemy who might struggle ashore in northern Australia.

The likelihood that soldiers might be required to establish or protect forward operating bases in our region, or assist threatened friendly neighbours, or make robust contributions to coalitions operating in the approaches to Australia, was ignored. That flawed policy emasculated the army to the point that we were barely able to meet the modest challenges posed by our intervention in East Timor in 1999.

We now face the risk of repeating the errors of the past.

The defence budget is irresistible when governments go searching for money. Defence is like household insurance: it's a nuisance to make those payments and sometimes it's easier just to take a risk and stop making them, which works fine right up to the point that the house burns down or gets flooded. Our government is sitting at the proverbial kitchen table, looking at its household expenditure, eyeing off those pesky payments on the defence of the country. Surely, it wouldn't hurt to skip a few payments to achieve a budget surplus, would it? And that's what's happening to the defence budget and our future security.

The government intends to default on its national security insurance payments in the hope that nothing bad happens.

Morrison correctly states that our troops currently deployed on operations will not be affected, a point loudly reinforced by the government. It's a no-brainer: could any defence minister take a decision to place at greater risk the lives of servicemen and women for short-term political gain? No. Instead, the government is reaching past current operations to raid the funds earmarked for defence expenditure many years from now. The punters in Voter Land won't even notice, not any time soon at least.

But where to make the cuts? The really juicy bits of the Defence Capability Plan involve big-ticket items for the air force and navy: combat aircraft and warships. To the government's credit, it recognises that these should be protected because the planned enhancements to both forces are necessary and prudent. The army, though, presents easy pickings for the razor gang. Our land force capability is made up of hundreds of small to medium-sized projects, yet all of them are essential to the effective and efficient functioning of the whole organisation. Morrison is spot on when he describes the army as complex and fragile.

One of the most difficult things during the work on the current defence white paper was to explain to politicians and bureaucrats how the many parts of the army combined to deliver a joined-up war-fighting capability, and how hard it would be to re-grow discarded components of the force. I'm sure it's no different now.

Herein lies the risk that General Morrison is warning of: that the government must resist the urge to take the easy way out by making so many big and small cuts to the future army that it gets broken, or at the very least damaged, for a generation to come. It seems so harmless to cut or delay unsexy land force projects buried deep in the DCP or, at even greater risk, to cut an infantry battalion or two, or an artillery battery, or maybe some more tanks.

But my time as deputy chief of the army slammed home to me the difficulty of building and retaining all of the parts of the incredibly complex beast that is our army. Reducing the hard-won capability of our army will do long-term harm to Australia's security. It's a simple fact.

Morrison again: ''[The army's] capability must be painstakingly built up and nurtured and this takes significant time and public funding. Yet its capability can be relinquished disturbingly rapidly if it is not carefully developed and sustained.''

Hello, Stephen Smith. Hello, Wayne Swan. The professional head of the army, a man with boundless integrity and decades of experience behind him, is (respectfully) talking to you. Are you listening?

John Cantwell retired from the Australian Army in 2012 with the rank of major-general. His last assignment was commander of Australian forces in Afghanistan and the wider Middle East.