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The biggest pea and thimble trick in the government's mid-year economic and fiscal outlook is a decision to push Australia's biggest companies onto a system of monthly tax payments.
It doesn't change how much tax the government collects, but it does pull forward the timing of payments, boosting budgets by $8.3 billion over three years beginning in the year to June 2014, when $5.5 billion is pulled forward.
It's a process-heavy rule change and the companies that are affected will hate it, but the government has an eye to the political cost: a total of 13,350 companies are being forced onto monthly tax payments. More than 2 million others have been spared, for the time being at least.
The shift from the present system of quarterly corporate tax payments to monthly tax payments will occur selectively, and in three stages: 350 companies that collect revenue of $1 billion or more a year will begin making monthly payments on January 1, 2014; companies with revenue of between $100 million and $1 billion move on to the monthly payment system on January 1 2015; and companies with revenue of between $20 million and $100 million will make monthly tax payments from January 1, 2016.
This change pulls $5.5 billion of corporate tax revenue forward into 2014-15, and pulls $1.6 billion and $1.2 billion forward in the following two years, for a total of $8.3 billion.
It's a pea and thimble change, but a significant one. It works to pull two-thirds of just one quarterly corporate payment, the June quarter payment on July 21 of each year, into the year to June 30 that has already been ruled off.
Big numbers are generated because the corporate tax base is large — an estimated $73 billion this financial year. About 17 per cent of the tax that companies affected by the change usually pay will be pulled forward: the amount moved into the 2013-14 financial year is the largest, because the 350 largest companies with revenue of $1 billion or more are affected in that year.
If the government forced every company to move to monthly payments it would pull forward much more - 17 per cent of its total corporate tax take, or about $12.4 billion a year based on expected revenue this financial year. It is able to spare companies that have revenue of less than $20 million because it doesn't need that much (or doesn't yet) — and it probably also wants to avoid the political backlash.
The government says the shift aligns companies more with GST payments and the periodic pay-as-you-go tax treatment of wage and salary earners.
There is however no doubt that the monthly payment regime will be more time-consuming and expensive for companies that are forced on to it. And according to the Bureau of Statistics, there were 2.1 million actively trading businesses in Australia at June 30 last year. Just over 2 million of them booked revenue of $2 million a year or less.
If the new system had been extended to all companies, the cries of outrage would have been heard in Canberra. By doing it this way, the government can claim to be limiting the change to the top end of town, which can afford the extra compliance costs.
It is, of course, always going to be open to this government or another to pull even more revenue forward when budgets are tight by extending the scope of the monthly payment regime. It could prove irresistible, with monthly payments spreading like Patterson's Curse to cover all companies in time.
That aside, the monthly payment timing trick and other cuts and shuffles don't convincingly lock in the government's proclaimed budget holy grail — a move back to cash surpluses, beginning this financial year.
The mid year statement assumes gross domestic product growth of 3 per cent in both the current financial year and 2013-14, slightly trimming a May budget forecast of 3.25 per cent growth this financial year. The estimated cash surplus for 2012-13 has been cut from $1.5 billion to $1.1 billion and the budget's estimate of a $2 billion surplus in 2013-14 has been revised upwards, to $2.2 billion.
The government notes, however, that a fall in mining commodity prices that generated a 4 per cent decline in Australia's terms of trade and a 1 per cent fall in economic growth in 2013-14 would cut the budget cash balance by $2.8 billion in 2012-13, carrying it to a $1.7 billion deficit. The same change in economic settings would cut the 2013-14 balance by $6.7 billion, pushing the budget into the red in that year, to the tune of $4.5 billion.
The mid-year statement also offers a glass half full scenario, with the labour participation rate and labour productivity rises permanently up by a half a per cent. That would push GDP up by about 1 per cent, and boost the cash balance by $3.5 billion in the current year and $4.3 billion in the next.
The underlying reality however is that slower growth in China in particular has already cooled Australia's resources boom to a point where a surplus will be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve this year.
Estimated revenue from the minerals resource rent tax on coal and iron ore has, for example, been downgraded in the mid-year statement by $4.3 billion over four years, from $13.4 billion to $9.1 billion, but the government still expected to collect $2 billion in MRRT this financial year.
That's down from an estimate of $3 billion in the budget, but probably still requires a rebound in Chinese economic growth and demand, and a rebound in iron ore and coal prices.
China announced last week that its economy had expanded by 7.4 per cent in the September quarter, and the composition of the growth suggested that its economy may have stopped slowing down, and begun to accelerate.
Even if that is so China has slowed significantly. Its growth rate peaked at about 14.2 per cent in 2007 ahead of the global financial crisis, and has averaged 10 per cent for three decades.

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