Wayne Swan delivers the Budget update on Monday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen
Jacob Greber Economics correspondent
Independent forecasters have warned the Labor government’s mid-year review won’t deliver a surplus because it is overly optimistic about economic growth and export income.
Analysis of the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook by Canberra-based modelling group Macroeconomics suggests if growth slows to the pace forecast by many economists, Treasurer Wayne Swan’s $1.1 billion surplus target will turn into a $7.6 billion deficit.
Mr Swan downgraded his forecast for growth to around 3 per cent this financial year and next financial year, 0.25 of a percentage point slower than anticipated at budget time in May.
Since then global commodity prices have tanked, hitting earnings from big mining companies like BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto.

The government’s economic outlook, which was prepared by a Treasury forecasting division headed by David Gruen, is at the high end of most estimates and well above National Australia Bank’s 2.3 per cent. Macroeconomics director of budget and forecasting Stephen Anthony predicts the economy will grow 2.6 per cent this year.
If accurate, the difference would trigger large write-downs in government projections of company and income taxes.
“We will be in a situation at budget time where to achieve a surplus in 2012-13 they’re going to have to introduce further discretionary spending cuts and revenue increases, and they’ll only have a matter of weeks to get that in place,” Mr Anthony said.
The surplus projections for the next four years are important to the government’s economic credibility.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard defended the forecasts, which she said were done by “the same people who assisted prime minister Howard”.
Economists question Basic assumptions
“These are the experts ... and these are their predictions, which are broadly in line with predictions from other sources in the Australian economy,” she said on ABC radio.
The Reserve Bank pointed to a “softer growth outlook’’ in minutes released a week ago from its October 2 board meeting that cut its cash rate by 25 basis points to 3.25 per cent.
The minutes suggested that the outlook for resources development “might not be as strong as previously expected’’ and referred to “an increased likelihood of growth over the coming year being somewhat weaker than earlier forecast’’.
Many economists questioned Treasury’s basic assumptions.
NAB chief economist Alan Oster, a former senior Treasury forecaster, said he was “quite surprised” by the latest outlook for real GDP growth and predicted the government would have more work to do before delivering a surplus. “They’ll need some more creative accounting,” he said.
“During the back end of this year the economy has slowed quite significantly and that hasn’t been captured by those numbers,” said Mr Oster, who cited NAB’s recent business sentiment surveys.
“The softness we’re seeing in our business survey, the weak forward orders, all say the economy is struggling,” he said. By delivering the mid-year update early this year, less than four months into the financial year, Treasury has based its economic outlook on economic data for the quarter ended June 30.
Analysts argue that had the government waited until after December 5, when the September quarter GDP figures are published, the outlook may have been worse.
Wanted: Biggest one-year swing in 60 years
Mr Oster said Treasury would need average quarterly GDP growth of around 0.8 per cent to hit its target.
Barclays senior economist Kieran Davies said Mr Swan was attempting the biggest one-year swing from deficit to surplus since 1951-52.
“It’s a big ask to do it all in one year where you have trend growth and weaker income than you thought just a matter of months ago,” he said.
“To get from minus 2.9 per cent of GDP to 0.1 per cent is a huge turnaround,” he said.
“If the starting deficit was smaller then I think it would be more achievable on the economic assumptions.”
The analysis by Mr Anthony, from Macroeconomics, shows the budget deficit is likely to reach $19.5 billion by 2013-14 and $26.2 billion a year later as the terms of trade, a measure of income from exports, fall faster than Treasury currently predicts.
After dropping a forecast 8 per cent this year, Treasury is factoring in a further decline of 2.75 per cent in 2013-14 and 2 per cent a year later. By contrast, Macroeconomics sees falls of 8.3 per cent, 8.2 per cent and 5.1 per cent respectively.
Paying for past failures
Treasury underscored the vulnerability of the budget surplus target to swings in iron ore and coal prices. Monday’s MYEFO included a so-called sensitivity analysis suggesting that an extra 4 per cent drop in the terms of trade would lower nominal GDP by 1 per cent, erode employment growth, and hit the budget balance by $9.5 billion over two years to 2013-14.
The single biggest blow would be through a $5.7 billion drop in company tax.
Mr Anthony said the country was paying for the past failures of both sides of politics, which had assumed the surge in revenue from the mining boom would continue.
“We should have squirrelled that money away offshore and be now bringing it back in,” he said.
The Australian Financial Review

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