It's Canberra's surplus fixation, not China's economy, that could push the Reserve Bank into cutting interest rates again on Melbourne Cup day. The bi-partisan rush to fiscal rectitude is doing more to weaken demand here than softer growth in Asia.
The leaked and hinted spending cuts and tax increases in this mornings mid-year economic and fiscal outlook (MYEFO) will mean Federal Government policy takes considerably more than one percentage point off GDP growth this financial year. It's the effort to counter the contraction's impact on unemployment that could well force the RBA's hand on the first Tuesday of November.
Last week's improved outlook for the Chinese economy should have eased the RBA's immediate concern about our major trading partners' possible health, but the threatened increased austerity of the MYEFO mini-budget is guaranteed, not just a possibility.
Wayne Swan would no doubt portray a November rate cut as evidence of the success of his surplus pursuit, as he did with this month's trimming, and Joe Hockey no doubt would repeat his act of claiming the RBA is cutting because the economy is sick. And both would be partially correct. Our economy is not sick on any relative basis, but neither is it entirely healthy if it is requiring monetary stimulus.
Running stimulatory monetary policy is not an unmitigated good and, in a perfect world, fiscal and monetary policy would work together. The RBA currently has its toe on the accelerator while Treasury has its foot on the brake. The MYEFO means the brake will be pushed harder.
Economic impact
This is bi-partisan policy – it seems to be about the only bi-partisan policy in Canberra. If anything, the coalition promises to accelerate the tightening with a faster race to a bigger surplus. Whether it's Joe cutting the public service or Wayne ditching research grants, the economic impact is much the same and the economy would be made weaker before monetary stimulation can kick in.
The unavoidable challenges facing state and federal governments mean tough love is required over the years ahead, including some politically unpalatable revenue reforms (euphemism for tax increases), but the political urgency of rushing back to surplus this financial year instead of phasing it over two years is creating unnecessary economic strains.
The May budget meant that Canberra's swing from deficit to a tiny surplus would detract about 1 percentage point from GDP – and that was after some deft footwork by Treasury to minimise the pain of achieving the political goal with a little smoke and mirrors, some pull forward, some push back and some outsourcing. According to the budget papers, the total government sector impact on the economy was to be softened by various state government deficits, leaving final public demand subtracting half a percentage point from GDP growth.
But since May, those various state governments have themselves embarked on greater or lesser austerity drives that will now be topped by Canberra's contractionary mini-budget. Bringing forward the MYEFO by a month smells of a government desperate to make the most of tax/fee increases and spending cuts in the remaining eight months of the financial year.
Nevertheless, with an eye to our demographic challenges down the track and politicians' unreliability when buying votes, Treasury Secretary Martin Parkinson on several occasions has defended the idea that the government should only be concerned about recording a surplus and leave the job of promoting demand to the Reserve Bank.
And Martin Parkinson sits on the RBA board.
Fiscal concerns
The RBA minutes this month showed the board venturing beyond its monetary remit to make two points about members' concern with fiscal policy – the impact of lower commodities prices on tax receipts and “public demand subtracting from growth”.
It's always wise to be careful about what you wish for. Forcing interest rates down doesn't seem to do much for weakening the dollar when the government running surpluses increases the safe haven appeal of the Aussie. And Australians already are buying about their normal volume of stuff, just doing it more efficiently.
Lower rates should eventually stimulate the housing industry, so if you're a real estate agent or a builder, by all means cheer a tough MYEFO – but remember the impact it's having on everyone else and wonder how housing demand might fare if job security becomes a worry for the entire public service.
Achieving a small surplus this year instead of a small deficit
Michael Pascoe is a BusinessDay contributing editor.

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