Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rental market hits the two-speed accelerator - Sydney Morning Herald

In recent years, parts of Australia's housing market have enjoyed high rental growth. This has helped close the big valuation gap with prices. However, the recent release of quarterly rental data by Australian Property Monitors (APM), as well as the latest data on rental vacancy rates by SQM Research, highlights a continuing two-speed rental market.

At a national level, capital city rents grew at a solid pace in the year to September 2012, rising by 4.2 per cent (houses) and 2.4 per cent (units) respectively over the year.

The pace of rental growth was uneven, however, with Darwin and Perth experiencing strong rental growth over the September quarter and double-digit rental growth over the year for both houses and units. By contrast, rental growth in the southern capitals of Melbourne, Adelaide and Hobart continues to languish, with those markets achieving little or no rental growth.

Darwin was, and continues to be, Australia's most expensive rental market for both houses and units, with weekly house rents $180 above the next most expensive capital — Sydney — and $272 above the national capital city average. Similarly, Darwin weekly unit rents are $60 above Sydney's and $140 above the national average.

Six years ago, Perth's house and unit rents were well below the national average. However, following years of strong rental growth, Perth has risen to become the third-most expensive rental market in the nation, with house rents $22 above the national average and unit rents in line with the national average.

By contrast, after years of below-average rental growth, Melbourne's weekly rents are now the third lowest in the nation, ahead of Adelaide and Hobart, with house rents $68 below the national capital city average and unit rents $40 below average.

As at September 2012, gross median rental yields for houses ranged between 4.3 per cent (Melbourne) and 5.2 per cent (Brisbane), with a national capital city average of 4.7 per cent. Gross median rental yields for units were higher, ranging from 4.6 per cent (Melbourne) to 6.1 per cent (Darwin), with the national capital city average standing at 5.1 per cent.

The outlook for rental growth across the nation remains mixed. Recent population growth data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed a strengthening of population growth across the nation in the year to March 2012, led by rapid growth in Western Australia (3.1 per cent), above-average growth in Victoria (1.5 per cent), Queensland (2.2 per cent) and the ACT (1.9 per cent), and more subdued growth in New South Wales (1 per cent), South Australia (0.9 per cent), Tasmania (0.3 per cent), and the Northern Territory (1.3 per cent).

However, dwelling construction rates across the nation remain at low levels, with the exception of Victoria and the ACT, which signals an ongoing tightening of housing supply across most markets.

Reflecting the above dynamics, rental vacancies across Australia continue to diverge. According to SQM Research, the number of homes listed for rent in the year to September 2012 rose in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Hobart, and Canberra, but fell in Brisbane, Perth, and Darwin.

Rental vacancy rates are especially tight in Perth (0.6 per cent), Darwin (0.5 per cent) and Canberra (1.1 per cent), but remain fairly elevated in Melbourne (2.8 per cent) and Hobart (2.3 per cent). Sydney (1.7 per cent), Brisbane (1.5 per cent) and Adelaide (1.5 per cent) remain between these two extremes.

Rental growth in Darwin and Perth is likely to continue at a solid pace. As noted above, rental vacancy rates have tightened to extreme levels in both cities, housing construction is lacklustre and, in Perth's case, the population is growing strongly. Both markets are also experiencing strong income and jobs growth, with unemployment in both markets tracking well below the national average.

There are risks on the horizon, however, with the mining investment boom likely to begin winding down from mid-2013, which is likely to crimp incomes and jobs growth in both markets. Perth especially is exposed as the price of iron ore — Western Australia's major export — falls sharply, which is already reducing mining plans, exploration expenditure, capital investment, as well as severely reducing the state's mining royalties, prompting cuts to public services and jobs. The Darwin economy is more exposed to LNG via the huge $34 billion Ichthys project (which is more than double the GDP of the entire NT). Exposure to such a large single mining project might be considered a risk in itself.

The near-term outlook for rental growth in Sydney is also expected to be solid. Sydney's rental market is underpinned by tight housing supply, below-average rental vacancy rates, and above-average employment growth. Looking further ahead, recent reforms aimed at encouraging housing supply in New South Wales, via first-home-buyer incentives and increased housing-related infrastructure funding, could act to dampen rental growth.

Canberra's rental market is also underpinned by tight albeit increasing vacancy rates, solid population growth, low unemployment, and rising incomes. Housing construction is booming, however, which should continue to alleviate rental supply as new homes are brought to market, and result in solid but unspectacular rental growth.

Rental growth in Brisbane is likely to remain below the national capital city average. Although the rental market is underpinned by tightening vacancy rates, housing construction at recessionary levels, and strong population growth, the economy is deteriorating fast, with Queensland shedding 24,000 jobs over the past year and the state's unemployment rate climbing to 6.3 per cent — well above the national average of 5.4 per cent.

Like Brisbane, Adelaide's rental growth is likely to remain below average, weighed down by an economy that is growing at a rate well below average and has lost a significant number of jobs over the past year. Offsetting these economic headwinds, Adelaide's rental vacancy rate has stabilised at a low level, and housing construction has slumped recently just as population growth has begun to accelerate, suggesting that Adelaide's rental market could soon begin to tighten.

Rental growth in Melbourne and Hobart are likely to significantly under-perform into the foreseeable future. Economic conditions in both markets are deteriorating, which has manifested in the rate of job creation in Victoria slowing to a crawl and Tasmania losing a significant number of jobs in the year to September 2012. Both markets have also experienced the nation's slowest growth in state final demand — a proxy for gross state product — over the past year. Meanwhile, rental vacancy rates in both markets are the highest in the nation, and could worsen as a result of the ongoing construction boom in Melbourne and falling population growth in Hobart.

Leith van Onselen is chief economist at Macro Investor , Australia's leading independent investment newsletter covering stocks, trades, property and fixed interest. This is an excerpt from a longer study on the rental outlook available at Macro Investor as a part of a free 21-day trial.

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