The ACT Greens could be left with just one seat in the Legislative Assembly according to the latest prediction on the vote count after Saturday's election.
Earlier today it was expected the Canberra Liberals would win eight seats, ACT Labor seven and the Greens two.
But with just under 85 per cent of votes counted, ABC election analyst Antony Green says Labor could pick up another seat in Ginninderra at the expense of Greens leader Meredith Hunter.
"It's now becoming apparent that the biggest problem for Meredith Hunter is that Labor's vote is evenly split at a key point in the count," Green said.
"Meredith Hunter will be behind both Chris Bourke and Yvette Berry, in which case Meredith Hunter would be excluded and Labor would elect three MPs from Ginninderra."
Even with one seat, the Greens would still hold the balance of power, but are yet to decide if they will side with Labor or the Liberals.
In the previous Assembly, the Greens formed an alliance with Labor to form minority government.
Chief Minister Katy Gallagher says she will meet the Greens leadership over the next few days.
At this stage in Brindabella, Labor's two seats have been won by sitting MLA Joy Burch and most likely Mick Gentleman.
It will be a return to the Assembly for Mr Gentleman who served as an MLA between 2004 and 2008.
Leader Zed Seselja has secured 1.7 quotas for the Canberra Liberals, seeing his deputy leader Brendan Smyth re-elected.
On current numbers it appears a third Liberal candidate will win the fifth seat ahead of Greens MLA Amanda Bresnan.
However which Liberal candidate is likely to take that seat is not yet clear.
In Ginninderra, Labor's Mary Porter has been re-elected and MLA Chris Bourke or newcomer Yvette Berry look likely to steal the final seat from Ms Hunter.
Sitting Liberal MLAs Vicki Dunne and Alistair Coe have been re-elected.
Australian Motorist Party candidate Chic Henry's chance of a seat have dwindled with the prediction of a third seat for Labor.
The Liberal Party had been hopeful Mr Henry could secure the seat.
In the seven-seat electorate of Molonglo, Chief Minister Katy Gallagher has been re-elected with more than two quotas.
Her surplus vote has secured a seat for Treasurer Andrew Barr, but Attorney-General Simon Corbell's seat is in doubt.
He is currently behind newcomer Megan Fitzharris in the race for the third Labor seat.
Jeremy Hanson has been re-elected for the Canberra Liberals, while Giulia Jones is set to take a seat.
Sitting MLA Steve Doszpot is leading the race for the third Liberal seat in Molonglo ahead of Elizabeth Lee.
The Greens have retained one seat in Molonglo and it is a tight contest between sitting MLAs Shane Rattenbury and Caroline Le Couteur.
Counting has stopped for the day with the final results not expected until Saturday at the earliest.
Electronic voting
ACT Elections Commissioner Phil Green says the electronic voting system used in the election was largely successful.
Around 58,000 people cast their vote electronically, meaning the results were able to be processed quickly.
During the 2008 election, 44,000 Canberra residents placed an electronic vote using a special computer terminal.
Despite some reports of technical difficulties at this election, Mr Green says overall the system worked smoothly.
"We had a lot of people in the polling places on hand to help people with electronic voting," he said.
"If people had any difficulty, all they had to do was ask.
"Particularly with screens freezing, if people had that sort of issue, the way the barcode system works is very clever.
"You can only use it once, and you can always find out if it has been used.
"If someone had trouble with one machine and they went and swiped it on another machine, it should have worked fine."
Mr Green says the system will be reviewed and adjusted if necessary.
"There's always improvements we can make," he said.
"We did make a few improvements to the system since the last election and we'll certainly look at all the feed back we've got from this election and we'll see what we can do.
"Four years away is a long time in technology terms, so we'll have to look at the system.
"We'll obviously be reviewing the whole election, including the electronic voting system."
Topics: states-and-territories, elections, act, canberra-2600
First posted

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