Illustration: John Spooner.
LAST February, with the war drums beating over a potential leadership contest between Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard, federal Labor backbencher Steve Gibbons added his two cents on Twitter: ''Only a psychopath with a giant ego would line up again after being comprehensively rejected by the overwhelming majority of colleagues.''
In a lengthier, if no less acerbic media statement, Gibbons reminded the public of prime minister Rudd's ''chaotic and deeply offensive style of leadership''. As a measure of his unpopularity with caucus, Rudd had not even nominated for the leadership once it was declared vacant on June 24, 2010. ''Government'', Gibbons concluded, was ''no place for prima donnas who have had their chance''.
What psychological prognoses might have passed through Gibbons' mind last week? Whether it was tweeting about Jasper, his sick cat, appearing on the ABC's Lateline program to bemoan the toxic state of federal politics, or basking in the glory of Australia's victorious bid for a UN Security Council seat, Rudd dominated the mid-week media cycle.

'With the polls slowly turning against Abbott - political killing season anyone? - Rudd is arguably the Coalition's best asset.' Photo: Glenn Hunt
Gillard's dreams of a Kevin-free weekend soon turned to ashes. As Federal Parliament prepares to resume next week, former Labor MP and Rudd loyalist Maxine McKew emerged to spruik her new book, Tales from the Trenches. Gillard, McKew charges, ''manufactured'' a leadership crisis in order to topple Rudd, successfully as it happened.
Just as bookshops across Australia will surely place a top-up-order of McKew's explosive tome, so Tony Abbott, under pressure on a number of fronts, will spend the week stoking Labor's leadership fires. Speaking at a Chinese function in Sydney alongside Rudd, Abbott eagerly declared that McKew's book evinced Labor's ongoing civil ''war''.
McKew, for her part, ostentatiously advised Labor to reconcile with Rudd. Having one's ''best player on the field'' mandated his return to the frontbench. Whatever McKew's motivations and, frankly, it is difficult to take seriously her honest-broker posturing, to paraphrase Paul Keating, this is the debate Labor had to have.
Late last year I wrote an article for The Sydney Morning Herald urging Labor not to ''allow the Rudd problem to fester for the next two years''. Rudd was faced with two options. Either give up his dream of returning to the leadership, and focus on being the best foreign minister possible, or quietly announce his intention not to seek re-election in 2013.
There was of course another, altogether less desirable, scenario available to Gillard and Labor. While he remained in Canberra, Kevin of Lazarus would always have one eye fixed upon his lost crown. Labor thus needed to think the unthinkable and consider forcibly shunting Rudd from the ranks of the parliamentary party.
As 2012 begins to draw to a close, and with the so-called political killing season upon us, once more Labor urgently needs to talk about Kevin. Rudd and his supporters - aside from McKew, dumped minister Robert McClelland has been busy white-anting Gillard - remain constitutionally incapable of behaving in a collegiate and loyal manner.
In a perfect world, McKew is undoubtedly correct: Rudd should be a certain starter on Labor's frontbench. However, that scenario presumes that Rudd would be satisfied with his ministerial lot (and that talent should trump teamwork). History suggests otherwise. There is only one job Rudd truly covets and that is occupied.
The next best ministerial option, foreign affairs, is also off limits, being held by a genuine Lazarus, the increasingly impressive former New South Wales premier Bob Carr.
Would Rudd seriously entertain the prospect of a lesser ministry? Might Peter Garrett's school education, early childhood and youth portfolio appeal to the published children's author?
Me thinks not. That being the case, one of Labor's respected tribal elders - think Bob Hawke or Senator John Faulkner - ought to sit down with Rudd over a strong cup of tea and an Iced VoVo. In the course of that conversation, the aforementioned luminaries should persuade Rudd to call it quits. Not only would this gift Labor precious political oxygen but historians would certainly treat Rudd more generously.
The political alternative, whereby Rudd, in the words of his recent Lateline interview, contests the next election, ostensibly as a ''bright-eyed and bushy-tailed'' backbencher, is patently absurd. Such a scenario only invites a repeat of the damaging leaks and circus-like shenanigans that dogged Labor's 2010 election campaign.
The looming tragedy for Labor is that Gillard and her government's recent gains might be wiped out. Polling trends indicate that the electoral race is tightening. The latest Nielsen poll - Labor's best since November 2010 - has the Coalition ahead by only 52-48 on a two-party preferred basis. Gillard's lead as preferred PM has widened considerably.
Policy-wise, the budget update should allow the government to focus the public's attention on its potential strengths, such as the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Yet with the polls slowly turning against Abbott - political killing season anyone? - Rudd is arguably the Coalition's best asset.
No matter what the sales of McKew's offering, Rudd is no Lazarus rising. Nor is he Labor's Messiah or even a psychopath. He's undeniably very naughty. Yet as the ALP prepares to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Gough Whitlam's historic 1972 election victory, it could do worse than adapt his rather messianic campaign motto. It's time, indeed, for Kevin to go.
Nick Dyrenfurth is a lecturer at the National Centre for Australian Studies at Monash University and the author or editor of books on Labor politics, most recently A Little History of the ALP (with Frank Bongiorno).

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