With all the hysteria that greeted this week's mini-budget, it's surprising that some of the more amusing fiscal fiddles seemed to pass the headlines by. It's so easy to ignore a mere $2.2 billion or so when the political fur is flying.
Lenore Taylor nicely skewered the political hypocrisy of the mid-year economic and fiscal outlook (MYEFO) reactions, but that was almost mild compared with the hyperventilation of the national dailies. It was, after all, just a mini-budget, not a declaration to slaughter all the first-born.
Joe Hockey does well to concentrate on the usual surplus nonsense rather than criticise too much trimming of the baby bonus and the private health insurance (PHI) rebate - he will be grateful for both and wish Labor had cut more if/when he becomes treasurer.
But one of the neatest pea-and-thimble tricks of Treasury's MYEFO is that the PHI attracted so much attention when the measure that does the most to trim health spending over the estimates' four years escaped attention. That's good for Wayne Swan as the PHI change is sound policy and defensible, while the little item credited with reducing the health budget by $1.5 billion looks more like a fiddle.
Health remains the bottomless pit of government spending - and it will become wider as well as we rapidly age and our potential for economic growth deteriorates with our ageing. As Treasury quietly noted in the MYEFO documents: "Trend growth in real GDP is projected to slow from around the end of this decade as the participation rate declines in line with Australia's ageing population profile."
The PHI trimming consists of indexing the rebate by the lesser of the consumer price index or actual increases in PHI premiums - no prizes for guessing which will be lower given healthcare's innately higher inflation rate. Says the Treasury: "This decision will take effect from 1 April 2014 and will decrease payments by around $700 million over three years from 2013 14."
Given that there also are several policy decisions to increase spending by considerably more than that in various parts of the health budget, you might well wonder how the MYEFO modelling comes up with an estimate of the health budget being $70.835 billion in 2015-16 when May's budget estimated $302 million more, $71.135 billion.
More importantly for the political imperative of recording a $1 surplus this year, you might wonder how the MYEFO estimate of this year's health budget was only up by $21 million on the May budget guess when the PHI changes don't start until 2014.
The answer is in a neat assumption that the National Health Reform Funding "is expected to be $254 million lower in 2012-13 ($1.5 billion over four years)".
And that $1.5 billion saving is because of "downward revisions to the weighted population used to calculate hospital utilisation following the 2011 census and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare health price index, which has been driven by a higher Australian dollar leading to lower prices for medical equipment that is sourced from overseas".
Taking the second reason first, Treasury seems to be betting on the Australian dollar continuing to rise, reducing the health inflation index, continuing to make medical equipment cheaper to buy. A very, very brave decision, minister. There's a good argument that the Australian should stabilise around parity with the greenback - and being stable doesn't mean cheaper equipment.
There are plenty of forecasters living in hope of the Australian dollar falling with lower interest rates and commodity prices. I'm not sure they're right, but if they are, health inflation will be rising, not falling.
As for the census finding that there were a few fewer of us, there's no indication that Treasury is accounting for population growth being on the rise again beyond a tucked-away assumption of a 1.56 per cent gain in the GST figurings. Besides, whether there are more or less of us than we thought, I'd think estimates of hospital and health costs have a base of what the existing population actually costs to treat, not what some hypothetical population might have cost.
So mark down that $1.5 billion saving over four years as dubious, particularly with the state governments continuing to smash all the harder into their severe fiscal limitations.
My other two favourite fiddles are smaller beer, but just as bemusing.
Says Treasury: "Payments to Job Services Australia are expected to decrease by $150 million in 2012 13 ($376 million over four years) reflecting a reduction in forecast client numbers and a decline in the proportion of jobseekers requiring more intensive employment assistance services."
Hmmm. The unemployment rate is predicted to rise to 5.5 per cent, employment growth remain rather soft and yet a smaller proportion of jobseekers will require intensive employment assistance. Interesting.
And, given all the rhetoric about education spending, perhaps the biggest surprise in the MYEFO estimates is the prediction of a 4 per cent fall in spending on education in four years' time. The May budget had a 2015-16 education spend of $33.846 billion. MYEFO puts it at $32.529 billion - a saving of $1.3 billion.
More impressive is that the MYEFO fine print shows Canberra will actually spend a bit over 2 per cent less on education this year than it did last year - $28.654 billion compared with $29.259 billion in 2011-12.
There are a number of nips and tucks to achieve that, but the neatest political measure for mine is: "Extending the Trade Training Centres in Schools program to 2018-19, rephasing funding to evenly distribute projects over the life of the program. This rephasing reduces payments by $305 million over four years, with overall funding over the life of the program remaining unchanged."
Isn't that politically perfect? We're not cutting our spending on trade training, we're just stretching the same money over a few extra years to save a few hundred mil while the surplus pressure is on. Brilliant.
These fiscal fiddles are not the biggest ticket assumptions in the MYEFO numbers. For example, betting that a housing revival in 2013-14 will maintain 3 per cent GDP growth is more important.
There's also the little trick of referring to 3 per cent GDP growth as "trend" or "about trend", when it's actually a little below trend. Say it enough though and people will accept it just like the opposition's three-word chants.
The big policy fiscal challenges remain out there for whichever party wins the next election. Treasury is trying to steadily chip away at the middle-class welfare we will not be able to afford, but it's not helped by the opportunistic nature of our current politics. Getting rid of scores of thousands of public servants won't magically solve the problems.
The sure thing though is that we're running out of fiscal fiddles - we will have to feel the real heat of burning policy soon enough.
Michael Pascoe is a BusinessDay contributing editor.

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